Duet for Flute and Piano
Duet for Flute and Piano is a three-movement piece for advanced players. The beginning of the piece is a bit slow, but it quickly changes tempo for a more up-beat feeling. The “A” theme in Movement I is a bit jazzy and busy with chromatic grace notes. In the “B” section, however, the time changes from 3/4 to 5/4 to create a lilting waltz feel. This 5/4 section leads to the first cadenza of the piece, then a brief return of the “A” theme. Movement II is in a loose sonata form. It begins with a slow and sparse introduction. Eventually, the piece grows more and more until the “B” theme takes a more energetic route. This develops with some exciting runs, but it slowly returns to the sparse beginnings. Movement III is the most lively movement of the piece. With an explosive entrance, the “A” theme begins. Throughout this movement, previous themes come back, and the work modulates more than before. An energetic cadenza begins after a thundering half-cadence. Once the flute has experimented with old themes and runs, the piano returns for a final “A” theme. The piece concludes with a powerful cadence.