Sonata in F Majoris a playful piece that explores different rhythms and scales that can help mid-level students learn about hemiolas, the major/minor relationship, and musical forms such as the sonata. In traditional sonata form, the piece first expresses a joyful melody with several triplets that disrupt the steady beat of the piano. The second theme is much darker, slower, and more melancholy than the first. Meanwhile, the piano has either steady eighth notes or a syncopated rhythm to keep the off-beat nature of the piece. After a repeat of this section, the development takes over with a short piano interlude. When the flute comes in, the piano echoes it in an unsettling way. After exploring the different aspects of the two themes, the flute shows off in a short cadenza. This explores the range and agility of the flute and its player. Finally, the piano and original themes come back for the finale, and the work ends with a quick flourish to the finish line.